How to Build a Rain Garden

by Daisy Dao

Despite their name, rain gardens don't actually collect water.

They function as a filtering system for runoff from roofs and other impervious surfaces.

This runoff is directed to the garden so that it can be absorbed by plants or evaporate back into the atmosphere.

While they are not designed to hold standing water, rain gardens are an important part of maintaining healthy watersheds in urban areas with limited green space.

Rain gardens also reduce erosion on steep slopes by slowing down runoff and preventing surface materials from being washed away too quickly.

A rain garden is a shallow depression, or hole in the ground. It's designed to prevent storm water runoff from carrying pollution into local waterways. Building one is easy and can be done by almost anyone who has some free time on their hands.

How to Build a Rain Garden
How to Build a Rain Garden

How deep does a rain garden need to be?

A rain garden is a shallow depression in the ground that's designed to capture stormwater runoff and filter it through natural processes before releasing it into the environment. 

The depth of a rain garden needs to be at least 12 inches deep, but you can make one as deep as 4 feet. 

A typical size for a rain garden is about 20x20 ft, which will hold approximately 60 cubic yards of soil and provide enough area for plants like sedges and rushes. 

You'll want to plant these around the perimeter so they help absorb water from the center.

  1. A rain garden needs to be deep enough to hold water, but not too deep that it can't drain
  2. The depth of the rain garden will depend on the amount of rainfall in your area and how much space you have available
  3. If you're looking for a general rule, then 4 feet is usually good for most climates
  4. However, if you live in an area with heavy rainfall or lots of snow runoff, then 6-8 feet may be best
  5. It's also important to make sure that any pipes leading into your home are underground so they don't clog up with leaves or other debris from the ground
  6. You'll need at least 2 inches of soil covering all drainage holes before filling with rocks and mulch

The depth of the rain garden depends on how far it is from your home and if you want to use your rain garden as a water source.

How do you build a simple rain garden?

For those of you who are thinking about building a rain garden, we have created this blog post to help guide you in the process. Rain gardens offer many benefits and they're relatively easy to build if you follow these steps:

  1. determine where your rain garden will go;
  2. remove any existing vegetation from the area;
  3. add layers of organic material such as sand or peat moss, compost and topsoil;
  4. plant native plants that grow well in moist soil such as sedges, rushes or grasses.

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How do I start a rain garden?

Have you ever wondered how to start a rain garden? It's an easy process that can help save water, keep your yard healthy, and provide wildlife habitat. 

The first step is to find out if it is allowed in your area. 

If so, the next step would be to use natural materials like rocks or wood chips to create the shape of the garden where it will go. 

After this has been done, fill with topsoil and compost (to make sure there are nutrients for plants) and plant drought tolerant plants like sedum or thyme which will thrive without needing much watering. Finally just enjoy!

When should you build a rain garden?

A rain garden is an landscaping design that collects and stores rain water. 

This type of garden can be used to improve the natural environment in your yard, reduce runoff from a property, and provide a habitat for wildlife.

 In order to determine when it would be best to build a rain garden on your property, consider the following factors:

 the size of your lot, whether you have any trees or shrubs near downspouts or gutters, if there are any other plants in close proximity to where you plan on building the garden that do not tolerate standing water well (e.g., azaleas), and how much rainfall occurs in your area each year.

Do rain gardens attract mosquitoes?

As the weather gets warmer, people are starting to notice more mosquitoes in their area.

 It is important to know how you can combat this problem. Luckily, there are plants that can help with both pest control and provide a beautiful garden space for your home or business! 

What many people don't realize is that rain gardens actually attract mosquitoes because of their puddles of water. 

These puddles have high levels of nutrients which attracts mosquito larvae so it's important to keep these areas dry out as much as possible if you want to avoid attracting pests! I will be covering four different types of plants below which can help with reducing the number of mosquitoes around your yard or business property without having an adverse effect on your garden space.

Can you plant trees in a rain garden?

A rain garden is a shallow depression in the ground that collects water and directs it to plants.

 It can be used to reduce runoff during storms, reducing flooding and pollution downstream. One of the best ways to create a rain garden is by planting trees because they help absorb both air pollutants and stormwater runoff from gutters, roofs, sidewalks etc. 

In addition, trees are excellent at removing CO2 from the atmosphere which helps combat climate change. 

A great way for you or your group to get started with this project is by contacting your city's Parks Department who will likely have an idea on how you can make a contribution!


We all know that our planet is in the midst of a water crisis. With climate change, droughts are becoming more common and more severe. 

As population growth continues to climb, this problem will only get worse. 

The good news? There's an easy way you can help! 

A rain garden is a beautiful addition to your yard or landscape that helps reduce stormwater runoff by capturing it before it reaches sewers or streams during rainfall events.

 It also provides habitats for birds and butterflies while providing beauty year round with its lush greenery. F

About Daisy Dao

Daisy grew up on the beautiful Honolulu island where she often found herself spending most of her day enjoying the ocean scent in sea waves. As such, Daisy came to appreciate the art of cooking seafood. She has experimented with baking, roasting, broiling, poaching, grilling (and every other cooking technique you can think of); and with all kinds of spices too. Now she is ready to present her experience: the art of cooking healthy food without any pre-packaged ingredients; food product recommendations for people who need a bit more guidance on what goes into their bodies; how to maintain an active lifestyle without having to give up your favorite foods!

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